Monday, February 25, 2008

Learning to Trust

I think we can all agree that life is made up of an infinite number of possibilities and it came be a bit overwhelming at times . We are constantly faced with decisions to make, and sometimes we reach those crossroads where we just don't know what to do. How do we know which way to go? What will be the outcome? And how do we know we made the right turn? I am kind of at that point where I am stuck and I am finding myself trying to take my life into my own hands. This is an extremely awkward time of my life, because I am getting ready to graduate and I'm about to make a huge transition from being in school to being out in the "real world." I don't know exactly what I'm going to do when I graduate and that makes me very anxious. On a lighter note, though, I believe God is calling me into ministry, specifically music, which I've always felt led by Him to do. I'm just now starting to submit and surrender completely to the Lord and let Him move and work through me. It is such an exciting time of my life, but I am nervous because of the unknown. Doors of opportunity are swinging wide open and the Lord is leading me through! Everything that has been happening lately lines up perfectly with what God has been revealing to me. I am just in awe of Him! I'm trying not to be hesitant anymore, but instead I am stepping out in confidence and faith, KNOWING that God holds all things together and WILL NEVER fail me. He is soooo good!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


God is soooo awesome! and so faithful! I joined a group of students on campus about a week ago and we have each committed to praying a specific hour of the day. It's called 24/7 prayer, and the point of it is to of course seek God, but also to pray for revival on our campus. We have it set up so that someone is praying at every hour of the day. It's pretty awesome! And it has challenged my prayer walk in so many ways! I have been praying at 3pm every day, and I will be honest with you, some days I really just don't want to pray. I get tired around 3....that's usually when I take naps. But the more I seek God at that hour, the more I want to pray throughout the day. It is incredible! One thing I have really been praying for is that God would awaken those Christians who have fallen asleep. The ones that are idle and lazy. Wow, that is me so much of the time! Last semester I really became idle and complacent. But God is pulling me out of that state and filling me with His Spirit. I have become so hungry for God that I just can't seem to get enough!

I've also been praying for a community. I feel like I let myself get really disconnected from a body of believers last semester and that's when I felt myself slipping. And God has answered my prayers! Today I encountered a whole room of believers who have the same mindset of wanting to reach our campus for the Lord! We had a prayer meeting in the prayer room at school and it was just so encouraging to talk with other believers about our struggles and our desire to live 100% for the Lord. God is looking for a generation that will rise up and stand for Him. I am ready to be a part of that generation! Are you??

"Taking captive every thought"

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete." ~2 Corinthians 10:3-6~

I love how every time you are in need of something, God always comes through and provides. The other night, I was really struggling and battling in my thoughts. I felt defeated because of my sin and felt almost paralyzed because of it. I immediately went straight to the Word of God and these were the verses that my eyes first looked upon. I began to praise the Lord and give thanks to Him, because although we are in a battle, God gives us His power to break through any stronghold that may be holding us down. We are able to destroy them, not with our own flesh and blood, but with the same power that conquered death and raised Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-21). It is undeniable that we are going to face trials and tribulations of all sorts, but how we handle them is the true test. Instead of letting Satan's arrows drive you away from God, embrace Jesus in that moment and seek the opportunity to gain more of Him. And when Satan is just whispering lies into your ears, remember to "take captive" the truth of God and fight with it! Keep seeking Him with all your hearts, my friends. And remember, no matter what Satan throws at you and tries to steal from you, he can never take your salvation away! Never!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is the first one!

Hello everyone! I decided I'd try the whole blog thing...I really enjoy writing and placing my thoughts down on paper, so why not do it online? This way, I'm allowing a window for those of you who are interested to take a look inside and see where I'm going on this journey of life. I hope to enlighten you with the things that God is teaching me and how He is transforming me into a better person each day. I love you all and I look forward to hearing from some of you! :)

Christmas Morning 2009

Christmas Morning 2009
My brother and his family

Nathan's brand new drum set....he takes after his father :)

Julie and Nathan