Yesterday afternoon I went to the school library between classes to write some letters. It didn't take me long though, to realize that it was too beautiful of a day to be inside, so I headed to one of the seminary benches outside. I plopped down, pulled out my writing gear, and got to work, all the while soaking up the sun's warmth and drinking in the cool, crisp air. Little did I know what was about to happen. As I was writing, I could hear footsteps from a distance, cutting across the lawn, and I could tell they were coming towards me. I didn't think anything of it, until a homeless man approached me from the side asking me for 75 cents to buy himself something to eat at Hardee's. I don't usually carry around cash, but I looked in my wallet for some change. I managed to scrape up 56 cents. I handed him the money and he thanked me. Then he asked me a question that I couldn't believe I was hearing. He said, "Can you tell me who Jesus is?" I was like, What!? (I didn't actually say that!) The first thought that came to my mind (and you're probably going to laugh) was, Is this guy undercover for the seminary? I mean he could've been hired by the school to go undercover to report back to all of the staff, letting them know if these seminary students really know how to share their faith. Ha! Probably not, but that was just what was going on in my head. After he asked me that question, I repeated back to him what he was asking, "Who is Jesus?" I think I was dumbfounded, because I've never had anyone flat out ask me who Jesus is! He responded back, "Yeah, I keep hearing people around here talking about Jesus. Who is Jesus?" And so I proceeded to tell him. I told him that Jesus is the Son of God, and then I asked the man if he knew who God is, and so forth. I tried to start at the beginning, explaining the fall and sin and the result of our sin. Before I could finish, the man quickly rejected it, saying that he didn't believe that. He began to tell me about his Muslim friend who believes he will have 13 virgins in the afterlife. I tried explaining to him that there's no guarantee of eternal life for all other religions and that they are all works-based. But if you trust in Jesus, you don't have to work your way to heaven. He has given us a free gift. He kept interjecting and then finally, he didn't want to hear it anymore and said he needed to go. He said he was homeless and needed to eat. He was hungry. So he walked off. I started to cry as I watched him walk away, and felt so burdened for this man whom I just met. I felt like I was watching him through Christ's eyes. The rejection hurt me because I love the gospel so much and I am more and more grateful every day for Christ's saving power over my sin. To hear this man just say, "I don't believe that," cut me deeply, because it was Christ, the One who's name I bear, who was being rejected. His name is John, so please pray for him. Pray that God would heal his blindness and that his heart would not be hardened to the gospel anymore. Pray that he would trust and believe in Jesus Christ, the ONLY WAY. Pray also that God would continue putting the right people in his path. Please...pray.
1 Corinthians 1:18 (ESV) - "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the POWER OF GOD." Amen.
1 Peter 3:15-16 (ESV) -"but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame."
I will definitely pray for this man. Your compassionate faith is encouraging.
This made me laugh! So well written, and thanks for admitting you thought he was an "undercover agent." We can all be a bit "paranoid" like that at times--or is it astuteness? I love how you repeated his question back to him--the way you put it, I can really picture it all. ☺
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