This is kind of long, but I hope you will read it!!
Over the past month, I've been trying to minister to a woman living on the streets, named Tonya. I'll never forget the day I met her. As I was getting ready for work, I grumbled and complained to my parents about how much I didn't like my job and how I wanted so bad to get out of it. I went on and on about it, just letting my heart marinate in my discontent and ungratefulness. Pulling out of my street, I began to pray and ask the Lord to change my heart. God, you've got to change my attitude right now. I can't seem to get out of this funk! It only took just a few minutes for God to answer my prayer. About five minutes from my house, I stopped at a light, waiting to turn onto the interstate. There was a woman standing on the median right next to me holding up a sign that said, "Live on the streets." My heart immediately broke. I know we've all passed judgments on people begging for money, and it's hard to trust if they're really being sincere, but regardless, the Lord used this woman to turn my heart back to Him in that moment. It was a reminder that there are so many people living on the streets with so many needs, and here I was complaining in my comfortable home about a job that the Lord graciously gave me.
I rolled down my window and talked to her for a few minutes. I didn't have any cash on me (as usual) but gave her all the change I had. I asked her what her name was, and I told her I would be praying for her. After I drove off, I broke down crying, asking the Lord to forgive me of my ungratefulness. It's easy to become spoiled in this country. We are surrounded by so much stuff and we fall into a trap of thinking that we need it all - success, a big house, the best clothes, nice cars, ect- in order to be happy. But God has given me abundantly more than all that. He has given me abundantly more than what I deserve. I deserve hell. That's all that I deserve. But God, who is rich in mercy, saved me, not by any righteous deed I've done, but only by His amazing love and kindness. When we were still in our sins, Christ died for the ungodly. What is this love? Why on earth would God give His One and Only Son to die for a wretched sinner like me? This is the remarkable love of Christ. There is no god like this God. Do you know Him? I pray that you do...
For the past several weeks I have been encountering my friend, Tonya. I always seem to find her on the days that I'm either on my way to work or have to be somewhere. I try to talk to her when I can and give her food or money. I had been wanting to take her to get something to eat so that I could sit down with her and listen to her story. Well, this morning God gave me the opportunity I had been asking for. As I was coming home from a doctor's appointment, I saw her standing at her usual spot. I felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart to turn around and go get her. And so I did just that. I was kind of nervous about asking her if I could take her to get some breakfast, because I didn't know how she'd respond. But I am so glad I listened to the Holy Spirit.
When she got in my car, I was asking her how she was doing and she said that she was sick with seasonal allergies. I could see her eyes swelling with tears as she talked to me. She needs allergy shots, but she can't afford them every two weeks. I told her that I wanted to hear her story, where she came from, and how she got here. When she told me that she is running from domestic violence, I thought to myself, This woman is in need. Big time. Oh, God, help me to show her Your love today. Somehow. Someway. All I could think about was how my help wouldn't be enough. When I told her that I wish I could do more than just buy her a meal, she told me that she just wants someone to listen to her. Isn't that what we all need sometimes? We just want to know that someone cares enough to listen. Let me tell you something. The Holy Spirit really ministered to my heart in a big way today. Keep reading.
The Lord graciously opened up a door of opportunity for me to share the gospel with her. She said that she is saved and that she talks to God every morning and every night. I pray that she genuinely knows Christ. I told her that the Lord has put her on my heart to tell her that He loves her so much. I just kept telling her over and over about the love of Christ.
After we sat at Burger King for a while, I took her over to Good Will to find her some clothes. She had been wearing the same tattered clothes for a really long time. Thankfully, we found a pair of pants and a shirt that fit her.
The whole time I was with her, I just felt like God had somewhat given me His eyes and His heart to see her the way He does. I just wanted to reach out and touch her and make everything better for her. Please understand that I am not in any way trying to boast in what I did. It is the Lord's compassion that came over me and compelled me to reach out to this woman. I want to help Tonya. She has been created in the very image of God and He loves her as much as He loves you and me. Dropping her off back on the streets was not easy. I find it difficult to just sit back and forget about her, knowing all the things she has been through and will continue to suffer through. I could've been in her situation, but I'm not. It could be me shivering on the cold streets, desperately hoping for someone to lead me out of despair.
Please pray for Tonya. She needs the love of God more than anything. But she also has physical needs. I am praying that the Lord would lead me and show me how to help her. If you are able to do anything, then I would invite you to take part in the mission.
I hope this story can be an encouragement to you today. I pray that the Lord would open our eyes to the world around us. We live in a sin-infected world and cannot escape it. But God has given us the greatest hope and joy in Christ to endure it.
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:37-40)
Wonderful story--thank you so much for sharing! It should be published somewhere. Does SEBTS have a student paper or anything? Love the "marinating heart" part too--what a great word picture ☺
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