Monday, August 13, 2012
Memorizing Scripture
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Daniel Fast
Many people are reluctant to tell others that they are fasting so they will avoid the sin of the Pharisees: fasting just to gain recognition for themselves. I strongly believe that attitude is a result of a wrong interpretation of our Lord's teaching and that it is a trick of the enemy who does not want us to fast, nor to share with your loved ones, neighbors and friends the benefits of fasting.
By isolating ourselves from the support of other Christians, we will be more susceptible to doubts and negative influences (both human and demonic). We need the prayer shield of our Christian friends and family members to help us continue when we feel alone and when the enemy tempts us to give up Our Lord as he did Jesus Christ. Eventually, people will notice you are not eating.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Encountering God in a Cave
Monday, July 2, 2012
"Send Us to the Nations"
Home from Africa!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Grace-Motivated . . . Dieting?
I find this article to be very encouraging relating to diet and exercise. I have only just begun to learn to walk in grace when it comes to this vicious cycle of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Hope this can be a helpful resource to those of you who struggle in this area, too.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Let me first preface by saying, I am in NO WAY a master of the Scriptures or a great theologian, but I am in a continual process of learning His Word. I don't have all the answers, but I believe God is using His Word to transform me, and I am always open to corrections and more resources to gain wisdom. With that said, the kind of rest I'm talking about is the kind that Jesus gives us in exchange for our burdens and weariness. Think about that for a second: Jesus, the perfect Son of God, the One who holds all things together, who took on all the weight of our sin, says give Me your burdens and I will give you rest. What a trade! That is mind-blowing to me, especially when I try to hold on to my burdens. Why on earth would I want to hold on to these heavy loads of bricks when Jesus wants to freely give me rest and relief? And He can handle ALL OF IT! Could it be a control issue? A trust issue? Both maybe? I don't have to earn His rest....I simply have to trust Him. But it is impossible to be at rest when you are trying to shoulder everything yourself. starts with surrender. It was only a few weeks ago when I was leading worship at a retreat that I heard the best description of surrender. The speaker said it something like this: "Surrender is both a literal and metaphorical collapsing into the arms of Jesus." I love that! Since then, I haven't been able to get that phrase out of my head. It has become my prayer every time I realize that I am trusting in my own abilities or strengths. I pray, Lord, I collapse into your arms - I surrender. That word, "collapse," really helps me to visualize my reliance upon the Lord. It's beautiful! And once we 'collapse,' we are finally realizing where our resting place is - Jesus. He is always our place of rest - no matter where we are, whether we are at work or at home, in a crowd of people or alone, in the valley or on the mountaintop, whether asleep or awake, struggling through sin after sin - we can rest in the finished work of Christ. I love what Jerry Bridges says in his book, Respectable Sins, "not only does the gospel prepare me to face my sin, it also frees me up to do so." So we can rest in the assurance of Christ that our sin is forgiven "before [we] can even acknowledge it, let alone begin to deal with it." I can go to God to confess my sin and know that He has already forgiven me. What beautiful truth!
I want to share with you a specific experience that I had just recently that has allowed me to apply these truths. About a month ago, I picked up a second job in the afternoons to make some extra money to contribute to my trip to Uganda. I already get up at 4 in the morning to go to my first job, so needless to say, I'm pretty tired by mid-afternoon. The Lord has also placed some really awesome opportunities to do some traveling and leading worship on the weekends, which takes time to prepare for. It didn't take very long after the new job started, though, for me to realize that I had taken on way too much. I began to see that my focus was all over the place. I was trying to "do it all," to prove to myself that I was self-sufficient and that I could handle it. Then one day as I was spending some rushed time with the Lord, and crying out to Him for help because I was so weak and drained, I heard God speak so clearly to me. I was in Hebrews 12, reading, "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." I felt like the Lord was saying so gently, Where is your focus, Kristie? As I continued to process and let the Word digest, the Lord walked along side of me to get to the root of my anxiety. I chose to pick up an extra job, because somewhere in my heart was disbelief- disbelief that God would actually provide the finances for me to go to Uganda, and take care of my expenses while I am gone. This was my "back up" plan, you know, in case God wasn't going to come through (that is what my heart was saying - how deceitful!). In that moment of clarity, I collapsed. I collapsed into the loving, merciful, grace-giving arms of Christ, breathing out all the air I had locked in, and finally gasping for breath, I cried, "I surrender, Lord! Have Your way in me!" You see, I had taken matters into my own hands, rather than resting in Christ, resting in His promises that He would be faithful - and He has been and will continue to be faithful. God is not a drill Sergent, as a wise woman once said. He's not yelling at us, screaming, "Come on! Move it! Go, go, go! You're not working hard enough! You're not doing enough! Do more! Be more!" and so on and so on...No, God's voice is gentle. He is humble in heart. And His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
I have truly only scraped the tip of the iceberg here. God's Word is like a never-ending well, full of rich, life-giving water. I will leave you with a verse I continually go back to when I find my soul getting anxious and uneasy about life or I doubt God's goodness to me..."Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." (Psalm 116:7)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Are You Playing It Safe?
Matthew 10:37-39 - "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Matthew 28:18-20 - Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Luke 9:62 - "Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
Why did I post these Scripture verses? Well, after a very brief conversation with someone today, I felt like I needed to do some deep soul searching regarding my plans this summer. What I received during my time with Jesus this morning, listening and allowing Him to search my heart, was a lot more truth and encouragement than I expected - I love how sweet He is to us! So, what is it that I am doing this summer you may be asking. Well... I have an amazing opportunity to travel overseas to serve the people of Uganda for a couple weeks in June. I know God is leading me there - let me just make that clear first. But today, I began to feel a spirit of fear and condemnation creep into my heart so quickly when I felt that someone thought I was crazy for choosing to do this. So, I immediately ran to Jesus, seeking comfort and affirmation that I was truly following Him, that the thoughts I was hearing were not truth. And what I ended up with, was an even deeper longing for Christ than the day before. My faith in Him is just a little stronger than yesterday. What Satan intends for evil, God uses it for astoundingly good things. Through that whole process, I was challenged to make a case for why I am going. These are just a few reasons...
Why am I going to Uganda? That's a fair question to ask. Why would I risk my life to go to a "dangerous" part of the world for God? (As some have termed the trip, "dangerous"). Is God not going to be with me in Uganda? Of course He is! Should I just "play it safe" and remain here in the states, particularly because I'm in a "safe" community? So that I don't risk the chance of getting harmed? Am I really guaranteed that nothing will happen to me here in America? I would be a fool to think so.
So back to my first question: Why am I going? Let me give my first and most important answer to that: because the Lord Jesus has commanded it. I belong to Christ and no other. I answer to Christ before I answer to you or anybody else. He is my Commander, my Chief, my King. I gave up all rights to call the shots in my life when I surrendered to Him. Do I have a choice or not? Of course I do. But by not going or just refusing to go, I would be choosing to disobey God and dishonor His name. God sent His One and only Son, Jesus, into this world to live a perfect life that nobody could ever live, to die a painful, excruciating death in order to bear all the wrath of God for all my sin (in my place), and conquered death by coming alive on the third day. God did all of that for me and all I can say is, "It's just not safe, Lord. It's a little too uncomfortable for me. It's too dangerous. Sorry." First of all, I'm not talking about pure ignorance. God, of course, wants us to be wise and use our brains so that we can be most effective for the sake of the gospel. What I'm saying is that we cannot sit on our hands when God is clearly calling us to GO! I had been praying and asking the Lord to show me where to go this year and I won't go into all the details, but He opened up this opportunity for me to be used by Him. I couldn't think of a reason NOT to go. And I wasn't about to miss out on seeing the awesome power of God displayed in my own life.
You can tell I'm kind of passionate about this, huh? Well, I am! Haha! My small group and I have been studying the book of Joshua in the Old Testament. Something that has really stuck out to me, especially in the past few days, is when the Israelites were crossing the Jordan. God had commanded that the priests were to carry the ark before the rest of the people and were to stand in the river. That was the extent of their direction. God was going to cut off the water flow and cause it to stand up in a heap. So, what did they do? They did it. The priests had to get their feet in the water first, though, before He would stop the flow. Amazing. Even though God had told them He would stop the water from flowing and stand it up, they still had to trust Him that He would do it. How many times do we question God even after we've heard Him speak His word so clearly to us? How many times have we heard...yet did nothing about it...or just ignored it.
I understand that the trip is like a blink - it's only for 2 weeks, so how much can I actually do there that will be effective? And is it even worth going for such a short time? I've been told, "well, there's only so much you can do." True. There is only so much I can do, but I'd rather do some rather than nothing at all.
Bottom line is, I'm following Jesus. Read Luke 9:57-62. It might cause you to weep. But they are Jesus' words.
"As they [the disciples and Jesus] were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."" .....So, will I follow Him even if it means I will be without a home?
"He said to another man, "Follow me." But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
Are you playing it safe? I'd encourage you to evaluate your life. And believe me, every day is a battle between denying my flesh and giving into my selfishness. And I lean more heavily on the selfish side. I am just so thankful for the grace and mercy God sheds on me daily to keep striving to follow Him wholeheartedly.