Yoga! (That is hello in the Ateso language!)
I made it home safely from East Africa on Saturday afternoon. I think I am finally readjusting to American time. I caught up on some much needed rest Saturday evening and all day Sunday. I am praising the Lord that I am starting to feel better physically. I had gotten sick near the end of our trip and lost my voice over the past few days due to a really bad sore throat. I honestly have no idea how to begin describing my experience over the past two weeks. I am still trying to process everything, so please be patient with me. As of right now, I am struggling to know how to transition back into my normal routine. I have not left my parents' house since I got home from the airport on Saturday. I am somewhat fearful of getting out, because I don't know how I am going to react to the culture here. It would seem like being away for two weeks isn't enough time to really adjust to a different culutre, but being back in the States has made me realize how much I had adjusted. While I was in Uganda, my "problems" and worries at home were forgotten, and even now, they seem so far away. I feel like I'm in a dream, but eventually I am going to have to snap back to the reality of my life here in the US. I have to continue the work here in Raleigh. But now I have a different perspective on life, especially in the midst of a career-driven, money-hungry, success-climbing society. My prayer is that I wouldn't slip back into the same mentality I had before this trip. My prayer is that I would take the treasures of what God taught me and did in my heart there and do something with them here.
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